Thursday, November 30, 2017

Published 2:18 PM by with 0 comment

11 Experimental CSS Projects That’ll Blow Your Mind

There’s a lot you can do with just CSS and a web browser. Great developers love to push the envelope and show just how much is possible.
While experimental projects aren’t always useful on production sites, they are incredibly inspiring and educational.
We’ve organized a handful of CSS projects that showcase the true power of CSS. These are all hosted on CodePen so you can even study and clone the source code to see how they work.


This Sass loading page uses animated gradients and resizable elements to create a repeating loading effect.
Most people should recognize this loading animation from Facebook which uses a smaller version of this vertical bar loader. But most web loaders use animated GIFs since images are more compliant with all browsers.
This CSS3 loading bar proves that with some creative thinking to can rebuilt almost any animation style you want.


Here’s one of the most complex CSS projects I could find online. This dynamic solar system design by Malik Dellidj runs on pure CSS without any images.
Every planet is rendered in CSS including the rotation speeds. This project is meant to be an accurate model of the solar system and it even features a realistic interstellar background to boot.
I can’t imagine how long this took just to make the planet icons, let alone get the animation speeds right. But where there’s a will there’s a way.


I never thought I’d see the day when classic Windows minesweeper could be played using pure CSS. Yet thanks to developer Bali Balo that day has come.
Note this doesn’t work exactly as well as the traditional Minesweeper because it doesn’t keep score properly. But it does track time accurately and it doesn’t use a lick of JavaScript.
Somehow even the interface looks surprisingly close to the original Minesweeper UI and it all runs on CSS. While it may not be a perfect replica it’s close enough to reel me into playing a few rounds.


On the surface this toggle switch may look pretty simple. It runs through a checkbox input and passes data onto the backend, although that’s not really the impressive part.
This toggle has a few features that make it one of the best frontend on/off switches:
  • The toggle icon changes from a sun to a moon
  • Stars and clouds animate into while switching
  • It’s designed with 100% pure CSS
Somehow this on/off switch catches every user click and uses that event to animate the day/night toggle area into view. The sun and moon icon designs are also nicely stylized considering they run on nothing but CSS.


Traditional mouse tracking is the work of JavaScript which reports the user’s X/Y coordinates on the page.
Technically you still need JavaScript to gather these coordinates and do anything useful with them. But this snippet shows that you can design a pure CSS mouse tracking feature that follows the user’s every movement.
Can’t really think of a practical use for this but it could be fun on a prank site.


We’ve all seen vector icons and illustrations designed for the web. But what about full-page vector illustrations designed with raw CSS and SVG code?
This amusement park design is an experimental project that only works in SVG-supported browsers. Yet in those modern browsers it renders flawlessly and every element has a very realistic placement on the page.
The animations are certainly impressive but it’s the accuracy of the SVG elements that also grab my attention. In a few years we might find these kinds of illustrations on the web running solely in code without any image files.


Designing a repeating CSS animation like the Möbius strip concept is pretty tough. But add in some 3D elements and varying gradients? Now you’ve got a real challenge.
This snippet is quite impressive considering how smooth it looks and how little code is used (only 90 lines of CSS). With Haml you only need 6 lines of code to create the entire concept too.
I’ll admit this wouldn’t be super useful on a real website but it’s a testament to how much you can do with a few dozen lines of HTML and CSS.


After using this webapp for a few seconds you may feel confident that it runs on JavaScript. The dynamic behaviors like 3D rotation and terrain placement are all signs of a sweet JS webapp.
But this map creator UI by Vincent Durand is actually 100% pure CSS. The arrows for rotation, the rotation effect itself, and all the click-to-place features run on CSS.
It’s worth mentioning how this entire concept is rendered using 3D cubes too. The blocks themselves work as 3D elements and you can rotate the cubes just by hovering.
No doubt one of the craziest uses for CSS I’ve seen in a long time.


This project’s a little less interactive but still just as breathtaking. Developer Peter Schmiz recreated all of the main iOS 7 app icons using pure HTML and CSS.
None of these icons use any SVGs or image files. Every element in each icon is hard coded into HTML with a span/div element, then styled using CSS. The craziest part is how accurate these are!
The full set includes 22 icons and they’re all pretty spot on. I’m most impressed with the attention to detail for icons like Maps and Weather. Just more proof that with enough time and patience you can pretty much design anything in CSS.


Re-creating the Slack loading animation with CSS3 is definitely impressive. But this snippet recreates the Slack loader with just a single element on the page. That’s what I call dedication.
The total CSS count for this snippet is just over 100 lines which includes the Slack logo colors and the animation effects.
I can’t say if this idea would work for other branded loading icons but I’m certainly impressed with this one.


You’ll find dozens of custom 3D bar designs in CodePen all with their own animations. But these 3D bars by Rafael González stand out for all the other modern CSS bar graphs.
Each of these charts run on flexbox for containers so they’ll auto-size depending on how many bars you add and how large the container is. Plus each bar chart animates when it slides into view, all of which is controlled through pure CSS.
And since each bar’s size runs in em’s you can adjust every single bar to scale naturally based on browser font sizes. A nifty example proving that modern CSS is a whole lot more flexible than ever before.
By  Jake Rocheleau   - Orginal Post:
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Published 2:16 PM by with 0 comment

Getting Started With Free Vector App Gravit

Free stuff! Get your free stuff here! Well, it’s a free vector editor, anyway. We like those, right? To be more specific, I am talking about Gravit. Like I said, it’s free, it always will be, and it has a little something for most people. Plus, it has a version for just about every desktop OS (including Linux and Chrome OS. It has a browser version. Android and iPad versions are coming. It even has a simpler version for total beginners called Klex, which is a bit like Canva.
We’ve mentioned it a couple of times here on WDD, but we’ve never examined it in any sort of depth. Well version 3.2 has just been released, so it’s time to remedy that. Here it is, our introduction to Gravit Designer:


It’s a vector editor. It’s got your pen and pencil line-drawing tools. It has shapes, symbols, and boolean operations. You can make multi-page documents. Export your images to all of the standard formats, such as PDF, SVG, JPEG, PNG, etc. Oh, and you can export to Sketch.
Now, most decent vector editors support CMYK, but Gravit lays claim to:
The first engine that fully supports CMYK rendering in the browser…
So yeah, you can do print work in the browser, if you want to.


It’s free. Have I mentioned that, yet?
Free cloud storage: the cloud storage is accessible from both the web and desktop versions of the app, so it’s perfect for constantly-mobile designers. The only real downsides are that there currently doesn’t seem to be a way to share documents on your corner of the cloud with others. Oh, and every system is vulnerable, so if you’re making classified vector drawings, maybe just leave them on your hard drive.
Effects: Basically layer styles and basic filters, but for individual objects, and groups of objects. You can’t apply effects to entire layers, so they’re used purely for organization and easier object manipulation.
Presentations: You can take any multi-page document, and play it as a presentation. Just design your pages and go.
Libraries: You can’t make your own libraries of shapes, yet, but it comes with some built in to make things easier on beginners. There are icons, emojis, some clip art
Anchors: Anchors are a simple way of creating responsive graphics. I wouldn’t try designing a whole responsive site layout with them, but if you have to make graphics for, say, a variety of social media channels, Gravit will work quite nicely. This is actually the intended use case.


Well it wouldn’t be a proper introduction unless we gave you a head start with the interface. Gravit’s UI is not overly complicated, but time is money. Oh, and note that you can change your theme in the settings menu. I’m actually partial to the “light” theme.
On first running the app, you’ll be presented with a screen that’s supposed to get you started fast. It should be noted that there are a number of graphical templates for various uses, including website graphics, social media posts, presentations, posters, and more.
Standard tools are all located in the top toolbar. This is where you’ll switch between select tools, drawing tools, shape tools, object arrangement functions, and more. It’s the obvious stuff. It feels a bit empty for now, when the window is full screen at 1080p, but you can do a lot with the tools provided. The left sidebar is where you can manage your pages and layers, access the libraries and some handy tutorials on the app’s basic functions.
The sidebar on the right is contextual. Depending on what tool and/or object you select, everything changes. This is where you’ll adjust settings, input precise pixel measurements for objects, and all that sort of thing.
The contextual sidebar is also where you’re going to find all of the available object effects. You’ll only see options like Blur, Color Adjust, Drop Shadow, and Inner Shadow to start with. But don’t stop there; click that “More” option. There are quite a few complex and artistic filters and effects to be found.
You’ll also find the Anchor options here. As previously mentioned, these options can be used to “anchor” any object relevant to its position on the page, or in relation to a parent object.
Using the cloud functionality is simple enough. You can save files to the cloud, open them from the cloud, and organize them with folders. It’s fairly bare-bones for now, but it works. For a single user, it works perfectly well enough.


This app can absolutely do some awesome things in the hands of a professional; but illustrators will most likely want to stick with whatever paid app they’re using. It can do a lot, but it can’t do everything Illustrator can to make your workflow easier, for example.
On the other hand, Gravit is a great option for beginners, and web designers with limited vector graphics needs. Just need to whip up a quick banner? This app has you covered with templates to get you started, and enough complex functionality to let designers flex their creative muscles. On top of that, it’s great for anyone who does a lot of design work on the go.
By  JEzequiel Bruni  - Orginal Post:
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